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SAP Support
University of Mississippi

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SAP/Web Authorizations

(New) Authorization to Use SAP and Web (myOleMiss) Applications

Authorizations for SAP and myOleMiss applications are requested with the SAP and Web Authorization Form. This form is also located in myOleMiss under the Employee tab => Tools and Resources.

  • Only Supervisors may request access on behalf of their employee(s).
    • If the employee needing authorization(s) is not listed on the form, contact
    • When the request is submitted, the supervisor, along with the next two managers in his/her reporting line, will receive an email confirmation.
  • SAP access also requires the appropriate training outlined in SAP Training.

Staff Assistant Authorizations

  • The SAP Staff Assistant Form is needed for temporary Staff Assistants needing SAP. The completed form needs to be scanned/emailed to
  • Staff Assistant accounts are valid for only 90 days. If the account is required after 90 days, it must be renewed.

(New) Uploading Charges to SAP

Please note that this process has changed. Please follow the steps below applicable to your request.

For new charges:

  • Contact (for employee charges) and/or (for student charges).
  • Payroll and/or the Bursar will approve or deny the request and perform any needed configuration.
  • If the new charge is approved, submit the SAP and Web Authorization Form for the employee needing authorization to perform the charge upload.

For existing charges:

Other Common SAP Authorization Requests